Lead developer on year long fully online courses project

A year long project where I was lead developer creating courses for the Brightspace platform using Articulate 360 authoring tools has just successfully concluded. My client was Andrew Doig of Learning Design Solutions and the ‘Digital First‘ project was to move all the taught courses of the Institute of Chartered Accountants fully online.

“Steve was indispensable in the ICAS project. Not only did he lead the way on the course build, establishing the style for the course content, and the strategies for student engagement in the Rise and Storyline elements, but he also led a team of multiple learning developers, allotting the work, keeping them on track, training and supporting them throughout. The project wouldn’t have worked without Steve’s leadership.

Andrew Doig, Learning Design Solutions

It was a fantastic project to work on that created a suite of amazing courses for accountants studying for chartered status. Here is Andrew talking about the project in a video that I also shot and edited with interview footage by Andy Wilkin of Penny Films.

My part in the project was to lead the team of learning developers as well as doing development work myself. I also published the courses up to the learning platform.

The learning platform was Brightspace. The authoring software was Articulate Rise with interactive elements created in Storyline.

Do you have a course development project? If yes get in touch by calling me on 07764 617 713 or emailing me via steve@cosmicegg.co.uk or use the handy contact form here.

Written and published by

Steve Hogg