Around 9 months ago I built a new website and did a whole load of product photography for AnnB Crafts. Ann makes craft jewellery and at the time of creating the website, Ann was selling her jewellery pieces through her shop on her Facebook page. It made sense then to have links from the website back to the Facebook shop.
Roll forward and it was time to upgrade the site to a full e-commerce store. Ann had been running the site for that period and was receiving great feedback about how fantastic the site looked, but now it was time to make it easier for customers to buy the jewellery items directly on the site. Ann had some new pieces too that needed to be photographed to keep up the standard of the photography and to show the new pieces in the best light. Of course it is all important to make sure that your product images are excellent, as that is what your buyer is basing their buying decision on.
I had previously built Ann’s site on the Squarespace platform so the first mission was to get Ann to upgrade to the business plan and to connect her business PayPal account. To help with that I created a step by step guide so that was all pretty straightforward. With the new business subscription I could then get on with creating the online store and adding the products.
Another piece of work was to create a new mailing list and to make sure the subscription form in the footer of the website fed in to the new list.
For the product photography I wished to keep the same feel as the previous photos I had taken originally using the driftwood and slate.
I set up the items on a table under the lean-to outside my house. It was a good spot as there is plenty of natural light (it was a stunning day too) but it is in the shade so perfect for getting great photos. The last time around I was using a 100mm Canon macro lens for the jewellery shots. Unfortunately I didn’t have that lens but I did have and used my Tamron 24-70mm. A great lens and some great results.
Ann was thrilled with the new online store and product photography:
“A massive shout out to Steve at Cosmic Egg. Whilst we are living in strange times it is more important than ever that our little online businesses do what we can to get our products seen. Knowing how important it is to have great pictures, and me being no photographer, Steve came to the rescue and did a product photo shoot for me. The results are absolutely stunning and there has been a lot more interest in my jewellery as a result of Steve’s work. If you are thinking about a professional photography shoot for your products I can highly recommend Cosmic Egg Productions.”
You can click over to AnnB Crafts at
If you are looking for product photography in Southampton or Hampshire please don’t hesitate to get in touch via the contact form or by emailing me at
Written and published by:
Steve Hogg